Sunday, March 3, 2013

3rd Trimester!

We are officially in the 3rd trimester.  This week marks week 30 (I can't believe it!).  I have doctor's appointments every two weeks now and am growing quite rapidly.  The baby is constantly moving around and the kicks come harder each day.  The doctor said that the ultrasound measurements were right on target and that all of the baby's organs look good.  We are now cleared to pre-register at the hospital and start our childbirth classes this week.  We also started putting together some furniture for the nursery this week.

29 weeks 

Because we are in the 3rd trimester and getting so close to the birth of our wonderful child, we would love for family and friends to start making guesses about:
1. When will the baby be born? (official due date is May 15)
2. What is the gender of the baby?
3. How much the baby will weigh?
4. What will we name the baby?

Feel free to change your guesses as the time gets closer and I get bigger!  (Who knows, maybe there will be a prize for the closest guesses)


  1. Ashton's Guess:

    1. May 17
    2. Girl
    3. 7.8 pounds???
    4. It's a secret and will be shared at the birth!

  2. May 13
    8.6 pounds (sorry - gotta go big!)
    Elizabeth - Lizzie

  3. 1. May 14
    2. Boy
    3. 8.3 lbs
    4. Isaac

  4. Mom's guess~
    1. May 12 (Mother's Day)
    2. Boy
    3. 8 lbs
    4. Andrew (Drew)

  5. Holy smokes girl! That tummy is growing! :-)

    Birthdate - May 22

    Girl (but not in concrete... I've got a good record, though...)

    9.0 lb (going with genetics here)

    no name guesses yet

    Here are Brian's guesses:

    9lb 2 oz
    name of David
    May 18

  6. May 17th, Boy, 8lbs 3 oz, Connor or Johnathan

  7. i want to add another guess to the baby name -i guess it will be RORY. i can make a 2nd guess because i'm grandma!:)

  8. From "great" grandma Miller:
    Date: May 14
    Gender: Girl
    Weight: 7 15
    Name: Elizabeth Anne

    *OK - Your mom here - We just realized that I also guessed Elizabeth - interesting...

    Next guess is from Olivia Miller:
    May 13
    Gender: Female
    Weight: 8 lb 4 oz
    Name: Elizabeth Marie

    *Now - here is the really weird part - Olivia, myself, and Grandma Miller are sitting on the couch and we literally all picked the same name WITHOUT knowing what the others had picked. Coincidence? Weird? We think it's fate.

    Guess from Kim Miller:
    May 12
    7 lb 4 oz

  9. Guess from Grandpa Miller:

    May 14
    Gender: Boy
    Name: Tiny Tim (nickname will be Shorty)
    Weight: 8 lb 2 oz

    Guess from Mark:
    May 20
    Gender: Boy
    Name: Socrates
    Weight: 9 lb 2 oz

  10. Phillip's guess:
    May 13
    Gender: Boy
    Name: Achilles
    Weight: 8 lbs.
